The project Aktívny občan v modernej európskej samospráve was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"

Action 1 –  Measure 1.2 "Networks of Twinned Towns"

3 events have been carried out within this project:

Event 1 Summer conference – “Local democracy”
Participation: The event involved  200  citizens, including  10  participants from the city of Nové Zámky, 40 participants from the city of Banská Bystrica, 10 from the city of Šala,10 from the city of Piešťany (Slovak Republic), 7 from the city of London (United Kingdom), 10 from the city of Hague (Netherlands) , 15 from the city of Piatra Neamt (Romania), 15 from the city of Dublin (Ireland), 20 from the city of Tábor (Czech Republic), 2 from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 20 from the city of Riga (Latvia), 10 from the city of Holte (Denmark), 20 from the city of Gödöllő (Hungary), 11 from the city of Elsbethen (Austria).

Location / Dates: The event took place Podbanské (Slovak Republic), from  09/04/2014  to 11/04/2014

Short description:  Participants of the event focused  their attention on obtaining  knowledge of the local governments agenda.Event was attended by students from universities,local governments representatives and experts in given field from the 11 EU Member States. The conference was opened by the official opening and presentation of the project. Participants had an opportunity to meet each other, exchange their knowledge and acquire new skills through expert lectures, workshops and discussionson topics: Characteristics of local government features, Municipal elections2014, Information Act from the perspective of local governments.The European contact point Slovakia (ECP) attended the event as well. The leader of the ECP presented the Europe for Citizens program.

Event 2 Summer conference –“ Benefits of EU membership,  active European citizenship”
Participation: The event involved  60  citizens, including  5  participants from the city of Nové Zámky, 5 from the city of Šala, 5 from the city of Martin, 5 from the city of Bojnice (Slovak Republic), 3 from the city of London (United Kingdom), 3 from the city of Hague (Netherlands) , 5 from the city of Piatra Neamt (Romania), 5 from the city of Dublin (Ireland), 5 from the city of Tábor (Czech Republic, 4 from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 3 from the city of Riga (Latvia), 2 from the city of Holte (Denmark), 7 from the city of Gödöllő (Hungary), 3 from the city of Elsbethen (Austria).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Wienna (Austria), from 12/06/2014 to 13/06/2014

Short description:  Participants of the event focused attention on increasing their awareness of the importance of EU membership. Representatives of governments,students and lecturers(MEPs, university teachers) were holding interesting discussions and sharing experiences through good practices. These activities followed lecturing of thematic areas: developing policy,the benefits of EU membership, active citizenship. The conference included proposals for international cooperation of Associations to ensure long-term sustainability of estabilished  partnerships.

Event 3 Autumn conference – “Harmonization of family and working life”
Participation: The event involved  200  citizens, including  10  participants from the city of Nové Zámky, 40 participants from the city of Banská Bystrica, 5 from the city of Šala, 5 from the city of Bojnice, 10 from the city of Piešťany (Slovak Republic), 20 from the city of London (United Kingdom), 7 from the city of Hague (Netherlands) , 10 from the city of Piatra Neamt (Romania), 10 from the city of Dublin (Ireland), 20 from the city of Ostrava, 5 from the city of Tábor (Czech Republic), 14 from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 7 from the city of Riga (Latvia), 8 from the city of Holte (Denmark), 23 from the city of Gödöllő (Hungary), 6 from the city of Elsbethen (Austria).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Ostrava (Czech Republic) from 08/10/2014 to 09/10/2014 and Podbanské from 10/10/2014 to 11/10/2014.

Short description:  Participants of the conference, students, citizens involved cities and local government representatives from various EU countries, had the opportunity to understand the importance of harmony between work and family life through lectures on given issue, mutual exchanges and workshops of university students from different EU member states. Conference was ended by the official conclusion and common valuation of the project by all participating associations.


 Közszolgálati Tisztviselők Szakmai Szervezeteinek Szövetsége (KÖZSZÖV)

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